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Yugoslavia former president iron give Invite the 瑟普 · cloth the · iron give to living in the gram in May of 1892 a second of the ground poor peasants family.His childhood life is very hard, 15 years old go out to make a living, was to put the cow 娃 ,the restaurant receptionist and jackeroo successively, and was a hardware worker and Germany in the domestic and the Czech Republic,Austria.20 years old, he joins a gram ground second social democracy party.In 1913, the iron gave to enlist in the army.In the World War I, he once punish because of stiring up an anti- war, after is capture by the 俄 soldier.He returned to country to attend Yugoslavia communist in 1920, organizing a worker to open the exhibition revolution conflict. In the long-term revolution conflict, the iron give to have ever been catch 3 times.In 1934 刑 full the empress of the jail, he continued to be engaged in the revolution activity, and won an election for the party central political bureau member of committee.In 1935, the iron give with Balkan the secretary filled the vacancy the secretary identity, leaving for the work that the Soviets attended communist international, this career made him have theoretically to raise very greatly.In 1938, Yugoslavia communist leadership layer appeared a problem, the communist international prepared to dismiss south to be total.The iron gave to persuade to mainly leader, reserving south on the whole party foundation total, he also becomes a party to mainly leader immediately, from now on south walk totally up the road of the healthy development. Be being opposed to the method west 斯 to invade, fight for the conflict of[with] free liberation in, the iron gave to lead Yugoslavia people to carry on a brave unyielding conflict.April 6th in 1941, the virtuous idea method west 斯 invaded to capture Yugoslavia, June 27th quickly by 23 troopses of teachers, the south was totally central to establish Yugoslavia people to swim the shot commander's headquarters, the iron gave to allow a commander in chief, launching national scale in July start revolution, and take plan in Wu-jih as center in the Serbia western region mountain area, build up the first liberation area.At the same year December, in the anti- shot Germanic Army's aggression, the iron gave to establish the first regular army-"one proletariat trip".He leads this troops under the sistuation that have no foreign help, fighting the invading army independently for more than 20 months, smashing a 7 times take the offensive of the enemy.In Su the 捷斯 card battle, the iron gives to become a World War II, the period unique wounds on the battlefield of commander in chief.In November in 1943, the iron give is give to commander-in-chief title.He neglects the objection of the big country, declaring the anti- method west this person a people to relieve the committee as Yugoslavia provisional government.1 have already develop to the People's Liberation Army of the near million people and Soviets Red Army to match with after year, relieve Belgrade.November 29th in 1945, federal people's republic in Yugoslavia announced to establish, the iron gave to allow the chairman of the federal government,General. Iron's giving in the top of the international satge is a sainted political movable house.The second non- meeting of 1955 give he with inspire, make him produce and do not form alliance to thought of embryonic.9th in 1961, participated to start in Yugoslavia under, the non-aligned country mastermind's meeting convened at Belgrade for the first time.Owing to the iron gives the special but outstanding function have in the objection the hegemonism,the maintenance world peace with the business fight for mankind's progress, there are 59 nations to give to his 98 merit badges. May 4th in 1980, at the time of closing to 88 years old birthday, the iron gave to walk to finish his life road.According to he while was living of wishes, his body is bury in Belgrade the greenhouse of the virtuous 迪涅 .This very small greenhouse is the place that he likes most to infuse to water flowers grass at ordinary times.Yugoslavia people support an iron to give, for he is in the database 姆 the 韦茨 iron give memorial hall,the ruble 尔雅 that museum etc. before the door 塑 statue with show permanence of memorial.。
2. 有谁知道铁托的名言及故事
Yugoslavia former president iron giveInvite the 瑟普 · cloth the · iron give to living in the gram in May of 1892 a second of the ground poor peasants family.His childhood life is very hard, 15 years old go out to make a living, was to put the cow 娃 ,the restaurant receptionist and jackeroo successively, and was a hardware worker and Germany in the domestic and the Czech Republic,Austria.20 years old, he joins a gram ground second social democracy party.In 1913, the iron gave to enlist in the army.In the World War I, he once punish because of stiring up an anti- war, after is capture by the 俄 soldier.He returned to country to attend Yugoslavia communist in 1920, organizing a worker to open the exhibition revolution conflict. In the long-term revolution conflict, the iron give to have ever been catch 3 times.In 1934 刑 full the empress of the jail, he continued to be engaged in the revolution activity, and won an election for the party central political bureau member of committee.In 1935, the iron give with Balkan the secretary filled the vacancy the secretary identity, leaving for the work that the Soviets attended communist international, this career made him have theoretically to raise very greatly.In 1938, Yugoslavia communist leadership layer appeared a problem, the communist international prepared to dismiss south to be total.The iron gave to persuade to mainly leader, reserving south on the whole party foundation total, he also becomes a party to mainly leader immediately, from now on south walk totally up the road of the healthy development. Be being opposed to the method west 斯 to invade, fight for the conflict of[with] free liberation in, the iron gave to lead Yugoslavia people to carry on a brave unyielding conflict.April 6th in 1941, the virtuous idea method west 斯 invaded to capture Yugoslavia, June 27th quickly by 23 troopses of teachers, the south was totally central to establish Yugoslavia people to swim the shot commander's headquarters, the iron gave to allow a commander in chief, launching national scale in July start revolution, and take plan in Wu-jih as center in the Serbia western region mountain area, build up the first liberation area.At the same year December, in the anti- shot Germanic Army's aggression, the iron gave to establish the first regular army-"one proletariat trip".He leads this troops under the sistuation that have no foreign help, fighting the invading army independently for more than 20 months, smashing a 7 times take the offensive of the enemy.In Su the 捷斯 card battle, the iron gives to become a World War II, the period unique wounds on the battlefield of commander in chief.In November in 1943, the iron give is give to commander-in-chief title.He neglects the objection of the big country, declaring the anti- method west this person a people to relieve the committee as Yugoslavia provisional government.1 have already develop to the People's Liberation Army of the near million people and Soviets Red Army to match with after year, relieve Belgrade.November 29th in 1945, federal people's republic in Yugoslavia announced to establish, the iron gave to allow the chairman of the federal government,General. Iron's giving in the top of the international satge is a sainted political movable house.The second non- meeting of 1955 give he with inspire, make him produce and do not form alliance to thought of embryonic.9th in 1961, participated to start in Yugoslavia under, the non-aligned country mastermind's meeting convened at Belgrade for the first time.Owing to the iron gives the special but outstanding function have in the objection the hegemonism,the maintenance world peace with the business fight for mankind's progress, there are 59 nations to give to his 98 merit badges. May 4th in 1980, at the time of closing to 88 years old birthday, the iron gave to walk to finish his life road.According to he while was living of wishes, his body is bury in Belgrade the greenhouse of the virtuous 迪涅 .This very small greenhouse is the place that he likes most to infuse to water flowers grass at ordinary times.Yugoslavia people support an iron to give, for he is in the database 姆 the 韦茨 iron give memorial hall,the ruble 尔雅 that museum etc. before the door 塑 statue with show permanence of memorial.。

发布时间:2023-05-29 11:39





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